Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

WATCH: How one housing community is fostering multigenerational connections

Multigenerational living is one answer to ease the affordable housing crunch and redefine the meaning of “family.”
At the Bridge Meadows apartment community, near Portland, OR, the eldest residents sign on to become trusted and nurturing mentors, caregivers, and friends to children who have experienced the trauma of being in the foster care system. Three generations — elders, foster parents, and kids — feel stronger and safer through the social connections and safety net of the built-in services there. In this episode, we meet a family of five, forged by Bridge Meadows.
It’s one story from our Brief But Spectacular collection, The New Longevity.
Supported by: Cambia Health Foundation supports the well-being of older adults by funding solutions that reduce isolation and loneliness, strengthen social connectivity, and increase behavioral health access within whole-person health models. Learn more at
